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thoughtfully written

The Future of Digital Wallets: Visa’s Flexible Credentials & the Battle for Consumer Control

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As digital payments continue to evolve at a rapid pace across the Asia-Pacific region, forward-thinking fintechs and banks in key markets have a unique opportunity to leverage Visa’s latest innovations around flexible credentials and data tokens to reimagine the consumer experience and embedded payment loyalty programs.

Autonomous RAG with llama3 on Groq

I’ve had building a RAG on my to-do list for a while. Lately, I’ve been experimenting with Groq, which has consistently impressed me with its inference speed. It’s been over four months since I cancelled my ChatGPT Plus subscription and switched to BoltAI, where I can access leading models like GPT-4, Llama-3.70B, Claude Opus, and Mistral-8x7b at a fraction of the cost. What I appreciate about BoltAI is its well-designed graphical user interface, which allows me to easily connect with multiple foundational models via API.

The emergence of embedded loyalty

An excellent report on the evolution of Payment embedded loyalty & memberships

Source;- 10K –

Costco’s Revenue from membership fees is a whooping $4.5B- All membership discounts inclusive, it enjoys 10.6% gross margin on commodity goods- membership fees constitute 72% of the company’s profits!!- member renewal rate ~90%

Can Anyone Win BaaS? – Excellent read

Payments 🕸 Web 🕸

As a payment enthusiast, I’ve been researching the ins and outs of building a digital wallet that stands out in a crowded market. One thing that’s become clear is that payments themselves are a commodity – everyone wants to offer them, and they’re an essential part of any business transaction. However, the real value lies in what you can build on top of those payments.

COSS Revolution: Empowering Small Teams to Build Full Stack Web Apps

In recent times, SaaS solutions built upon Open Source Software (OSS), commonly referred to as Commercial OSS (COSS), have garnered significant attention. This growing trend has made it much easier to develop a comprehensive and scalable web application without resorting to expensive SaaS offerings. Now, all that is required is a team of 3-5 skilled engineers who possess the ability to navigate through extensive code bases. With the aid of tools such as or GitHub Copilot, these engineers can immerse themselves in solving the business or technical challenges at hand, without getting overly fixated on opinionated technology stacks. As someone who tends to get caught up in such stacks, this shift allows me to focus more on the task at hand and avoid unnecessary distractions.

Fastest-growing open-source startups

Breaking down Insurtech – Part-1

Working for a few years in the ever-evolving insurtech industry, I have had the opportunity to simultaneously oversee the technological and business aspects of insurance. This has allowed me to grasp the intricate yet straightforward nature of this industry. After hearing Varun’s honest(podcast linked below) and straight-from-heart reflection on the Insurance landscape which was packed with learnings and insights, I couldn’t hold but start typing my experience about the space less from a technology but more from a product lens which is a birds eye view of my experience.

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