RT @punk6529: 1/ On NFTs 2030 However bullish you are on NFTs, you are wrong. You are insufficiently bullish. 6529 has gone to the mount… By Abhay On January 5, 2022 In Twitter [Microblog] 1/ On NFTs 2030 However bullish you are on NFTs, you are wrong. You are insufficiently bullish. 6529 has gone to the mountaintop and there is almost nothing in life that 6529 is as sure of as this — 6529 (@punk6529) October 1, 2021 Previous RT @InvestLikeBest: Today was the 88th episode of 2021. 50 Invest Like the Best. 38 Founder’s Field Guide. Thank you to all our incredibl… Next A must read for all web3 enthusiasts where @moxie objectively breaks down the building blocks of NFT world and explains how centralised the whole distributed ecosystem is! ‘Its just the beginning’ is no longer something we can hide behind https://t.co/nrn98ut3ZT