@prajitn POS level consumer insight data can be read from card schemes networks ofcourse with consent from cardholders and merchants, shopback is doing it to some extent in asia. Building loyalty and membership scemes on top of the data is a great value prop for merchants and issuers By Abhay On October 29, 2020 In Twitter [Microblog] POS level consumer insight data can be read from card schemes networks ofcourse with consent from cardholders and merchants, shopback is doing it to some extent in asia. Building loyalty and membership scemes on top of the data is a great value prop for merchants and issuers — Abhay 🇸🇬🇮🇳 (@Abhay08) October 29, 2020 Previous RT @shreyas: “My team has a prioritization problem. Help!“ Product prioritization, a thread: (1/30) Next Let that sink in…transaction of $1.15B with a fee of $3.54 https://t.co/cvyEtIwQHg