Abhay Bhat

Life | Technology | Investing

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@stvngunn @nickjharris_ @GiteshKohli @webflow @bubble Great stuff, but would have liked bubble all the more if they could have loose coupling with their cloud hosting and allowed plugin into other cloud providers lego like


RT @balajis: INDIA STANDS APP If you are building an Indian version of these apps, @naval and I want to see it. We have set up an email ad…


Jitsi Meet: A Free & Open Source Video Conferencing Solution, best alternative to Zoom #FOSS https://t.co/TgPJ0Py1rB



@elonmusk @JeffBezos Reminds me of this tweet from @jwangARK, In my view @comma_ai also sits somewhere in top left quadrant https://t.co/QcCR7msAyH



The Most Damaging Myths in Indian Investing – Marcellus https://t.co/KWmLLI6zJt



RT @hunterwalk: the ultimate luxury is to have control over your calendar



China plans pan-Asian digital currency! Strange to see yen in there https://t.co/fokIc7GGqc


Figma has been my goto tool for almost a yr now.. this gives me a good insight why Figma Wins!, by kwokchain https://t.co/zpKR0LLqLN



Why Figma Wins – kwokchain https://t.co/zpKR0LLqLN



RT @tylertringas: Amazing to me how many people simply can’t fathom the existence of entrepreneurs with the platform + financial independen…



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