Abhay Bhat

Life | Technology | Investing

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Yes, The Crash Is Coming https://t.co/tfVBjKWGIW



RT @mariodgabriele: Benjamin Graham is often considered one of the wisest investors of all-time. He was also Warren Buffett’s mentor. On…


RT @freeCodeCamp: Tencent Cloud lets you write serverless functions in any programming language.Like Rust, for example. Pretty cool.In…


What are Edge Networks? $NET $FSLY https://t.co/3MRIVOOtWW



RT @skupor: (Not) Throwing out the baby with the bath water in reforming the IPO process https://t.co/7mMOCKKneJ #tech via @a16z



RT @morganhousel: Great chart by @michaelbatnick. The diversified S&P 500: https://t.co/EcIfrq2gw2 https://t.co/YxnLB4vtzc



RT @sankeyboy: Onboarding a business for lending/payments/vendor reg etc -> need to verify the business and director/promoter details ? Int…


Going Public Circa 2020; Door #3: The SPAC | Above the Crowd | By Bill Gurley https://t.co/JbRCoWHWj4



While #cloud is the norm, Fastly($FSLY) and Agora($API) are at the #edge

What Peter Offringa has put together here is nothing short of a networking primer and this level of analysis is what an investor should be doing before investing their hard-earned money. For me, this is just a beginning, $FSLY and $API were on my watchlist and I will not dither from ETF’s which is my goto strategy for US markets. Next is $API

Cloud Gaming: Why It Matters And The Games It Will Create

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