Abhay Bhat

Life | Technology | Investing

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A ‘Worst Nightmare’ Cyberattack: The Untold Story Of The SolarWinds Hack #cybersecurity https://t.co/chDigS1cZP



RT @tobi: Building a startup is a rollercoaster with deep depths and the highest highs. Entrepreneurs are those that learn to roll with it.…


The Architecture Behind A One-Person Tech Startup https://t.co/ToFMyDhLuv



RT @jasonlk: So a little more on UiPath It took UiPath 10 years to go from $0 to $1m in revenue. Yes, 10 years! Then, it went from $1m t…


Roll Up Vehicles | AngelList Venture. There you go! another innovation from Angellist stable. RUV’s doing all the reg heavy-lifting for investors and cleaner captable for the founder. Get ready for new breed of angels micro-vc’s propping all around https://t.co/7zVWZFTlQe



RT @awilkinson: This is a story about how I lost $10,000,000 by doing something stupid. Ten. Million. Dollars. Literally up in smoke. Mon…


RT @rockinbinbin: Is there a such job as a codebase flipper? Someone/team who enjoys taking on legacy codebases to refactor / upgrade to th…


@caesars @Google @sundarpichai All the best Caesar! Wishing you luck 🚀🚀


Perfect for the weekend read! #chia https://t.co/KztfPQdSsf Pros: 1.credible-bulletproof team of developers, investors and board https://t.co/3JtwbQxXAG efficient 3.easy adoption makes in truly decentralised. Cons: 1.another crypto hinging on mass adoption, utility & security https://t.co/z2vluXeVj9



NFTs make the internet ownable — Mirror #ipfs https://t.co/ctHFvRH9Qc



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