Abhay Bhat

Life | Technology | Investing

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Each needs unique skillset with incessant focus on understanding customer / problem landscape with data driven experimentation mindset driving growth and the other focussing on executing growth at various levels https://t.co/i4nknI9xbo



RT @Jason: 10,000 laid off Googlers = 3,000 new startups with three founders each Now is the time… you’ve got nothing to lose and a huge…


@pitdesi With $6M rev and $10M downloads, $100-$150M


RT @mkt_sentiment: At age 25, you give your hedge fund manager $100K to manage, and he produces an annual return of 8%. Assuming a 1.5% ma…





GitHub is Sued, and We May Learn Something About Creative Commons Licensing. This will open a new chapter in interpretation of OSS licences and copyrights https://t.co/j0NXA6GDtu https://t.co/cmiNug1cTY



RT @lambdatesting: “LambdaTest is doing for test automation what Kubernetes did for container orchestration”- @satyanadella, at Microsoft F…


RT @10kdiver: 1/ Get a cup of coffee. In this thread, I’ll walk you through “Gambler’s Ruin”. This is a classic exercise in probability…


@JohnONolan @substack @Ghost Ghost is a far superior product than substack, period.


FTX Contagion https://t.co/3db39weny2



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