OTPs are painful, problematic and profit-draining for both businesses and customers. We are leveraging "WhatsApp Login" to solve this, without sending one-time-passwords at https://t.co/6tc3Wlf4HFpic.twitter.com/Qua1ULMbuu
This email which I received few days back from an online marketplace of pre-IPO stocks did catch my attention and it is all making sense now pic.twitter.com/KLi9ckN9SW
Amazon-Stripe partnership!! Stripe being a sole payment processor for Shopify and now Amazon further reaffirms payments is no longer differentiator business…Well done stripe! https://t.co/P3PlH9g8eB
Reminds me of an amazing book by @scottbelsky The Messy Middle: Finding Your Way Through the Hardest and Most Crucial Part of Any Bold Venture https://t.co/j91NDDuHJh
Can vouch for this! I was in Udaipur, Jodhpur and Jaisalmer in dec’22, heard this song every morning 7-8am, people participating to discard garbage, the tune was so catchy that i used to wake up to listen to the song, managed to find it and here it is https://t.co/UuAURLHfyQ
Search “google laid me off” on twitter and you will know the high performance talent google had to let go, a huge loss for the big-tech Thank me later #Sarcasm reminds me of what @friedberg said on one of the recent @theallinpod about complacency creeping in
Direct Listing can be an alternative to an IPO for private company directors and CEOs when considering liquidity options for their company. It’s worth discussing this option with your boards.
In the traditional IPO route, new shares are created and sold to the public. In this scenario, the company works closely with underwriters/bankers.