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Author: Abhay Page 23 of 68

🤣… Couldn’t have summed it better!


RT @eric_seufert: APPLE ROBBED THE MOB’S BANK: How Apple’s App Tracking Transparency (ATT) policy blew up the digital advertising ecosystem…


RT @stephenlacy: I am uncovering what seems to be a massive widespread malware attack on @github. – Currently over 35k repositories are in…


@unusual_whales AMTD Digital is a Hong Kong based fintech play which essentially provides loans and services to startups in exchange for fees, classic #PumpAndDump 170% institutional ownership!


Rental management

While the world order resuming back to normalcy, I was researching more about Airbnb , I stumbled upon how sophisticated the behind the scenes operations for rentals management has grown

RT @demishassabis: A year ago we open-sourced #AlphaFold Today we’re freely sharing the predicted structures of all 200M+ proteins known t…


OTA with vehicle manufacturers who rely on 50+ suppliers for their ecu’s is a complex problem vs tesla who has 3-5 key ecu’s all of which are built by tesla. Its all about making vehicle a first class citizen of the internet


RT @GergelyOrosz: Just in: both Google and GitHub is freezing hiring effective immediately. Everyone in the hiring pipeline impacted. GitH…


A dozen ideas about making meetings work at hybrid startups.. Replace meetings with workflows tops my list!


RT @sairarahman: Male birth control DOES exist. It’s called being a day trader


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