Abhay Bhat

Life | Technology | Investing

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RT @zimmskal: Llama 3 70B takes the king’s crown 👑 from GPT-4 Turbo – 100% in coverage and 70% in quality of code – 💵 most cost-effective…

– Looking at their balance sheet, their dry powder will deplete. So new acquisitions will likely come with equity. Win-win for acquiree and shareholders. – Organic innovation still seems unaddressed, as with the buyback they might not be able to take moon shots

– With the democratization of open-source foundational models, monetization will likely come from their utilization, which Apple will enable with their devices’ ecosystem.

– Their silicon strength and fab supply chain influence will likely give them an edge over Nvidia – GenAI / OpenAI is not a threat to them. Just a matter of time to allocate enggs and they can do it. Apple might partner with OpenAI

So difficult to make sense of Apple’s $110 Billion Stock Buyback Plan. Their moat in devices, silicon-to-retail, is undisputed and the GenAI froth will subside, but the innovation element is still missing, Vision pro bleh https://t.co/uKixMt1x4O

Stripe, doubling down on embedded finance, de-couples payments from the rest of its stack. Getting lean before IPO and riding the embedded finance wave https://t.co/VYiUGzPO2H

RT @mikulaja: 🚨 BREAKING: Synapse to sell assets for just $9.7 million, Evolve will cover any shortfalls in end-user funds, bankruptcy fili…

RT @sanitarypanels: Don’t vote NOTA #LokSabaElection2024 https://t.co/9goD7kwFlw

Always value people who bet on you very early – offering pro-rata is the least you can do, especially when one is building a business not for VC treadmills https://t.co/tGsnTwNXQq

The earlier – Always value people who bet on you very early – offering pro-rata is the least you can do, especially when one is building a business not for VC treadmills https://t.co/tGsnTwNXQq

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