Abhay Bhat

Life | Technology | Investing

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RT @t3dotgg: It’s insane that you can build a project for $0 and scale infinitely for cheap. We’re talking tens of thousands of users for d…


Fantastic read – Something weird happens to companies when they hit 150 people https://t.co/R4r7iJetUW



VC PE Fund flows & Metrics


Measuring the performance of investing in private markets has always intrigued me as little information is available in the public domain. So I spent the last few weeks reading more about this and thought of sharing my understanding

@brainstack @unusual_whales Lol https://t.co/6rHjOy79LT


@unusual_whales Isnt this nationalisation of banks? The core function of a private bank is to manage risk and generate profit from deposits and securities. Wont banks run amok knowing everything is insured ?


RT @callmevlad: My @webflow journey: 💡 2004– idea 1️⃣ 2005– 1st try, failed 💑 2006– married 2️⃣ 2007– 2nd try, failed 3️⃣ 2008– 3rd try, f…


@theallinpod has been my every Sat morn must-listen pod for last 6mths+ and they have manage to have my complete attention no matter what, which no other show has managed, esp this episode https://t.co/xwStgIYVjy



One-hour operation could cure prostate cancer by destroying tumours with electric currents https://t.co/TnxhhC7c6n



SVB-Silvergate-USDC, how centralised the crypto is https://t.co/DxQV633T81



RT @compound248: 1. When banks accept deposits from clients, they OWE the client that money. So deposits are liabilities to the bank. Liab…


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