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Category: Twitter Page 9 of 65

RT @dani_avila7: Use Copilot for free and completely privately with the DeepSeek models in VSCode Follow these 5 steps: – Download the Cod…

#ArijitLive is a best high you can ever get!

RT @Austen: There’s an untold story happening at Tesla. Yes, they’re actually making money on electric cars. But look at the other opport…

RIP Charlie Munger

Great move! – MSFT funded Sama, GB who happened to lead OpenAI – Sama very much driving OpenAI roadmap and focussed commercialising it – GPT4 forks this point onwards. GPTn will be from MSFT – OpenAI will be the open source arm to compete with its commercial foundational model

RT @BrianFeroldi: What drives stock returns: 1-Day: 📰News 1-Quarter: 👩‍💼Analyst Ratings 1-Year: ↕️ Valuation Multiples 5-Years: 📈Revenue/Profit Growth 10-Years: 🧮Returns on Capital 20-Years: 👥People / Culture

Do Apps Dream of Electric Sheep? I am rooting for railwayapp who has never stopped to surprise with innovations on the infra layer. Impressed with their handling of container sleep implementation at layer 4 vs 7

RT @drgurner: Rule of thumb when dealing with toxic people.. Keep all interactions: – Positive – Superficial – Brief Give them no information, no fuel, and no authenticity. Keep the good stuff for those you trust.

RT @jstanier:

RT @heyeaslo: The most productive way to start a business? Just start, fail, and learn.

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