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Category: Twitter Page 7 of 65

RT @cognition_labs: Today we’re excited to introduce Devin, the first AI software engineer. Devin is the new state-of-the-art on the SWE-Bโ€ฆ

Can Anyone Win BaaS? – Excellent read

There you go! llmโ€™s were meant to be building blocks to solve large business/consumer problems that had either fuzzy logic or which relied on huge datasets. Facilitating a seamless RAG to make models highly contextual will be next. Snowflake has both data and model to do it

Thats the real difference between a tech enabled business and capital intensive business, the way you evaluate business like Snowflake or Cloudflare is vastly different than Tesla or Toyota

This is awesome and must listen at so many levels, @HarryStebbings does a great job at getting out the best out of Sami

GetDeploying – Find and compare cloud providers for your next project.

RT @Replit: Today weโ€™re launching an experimental @Figma plugin that will convert your design into runnable code. Generate a Repl directlโ€ฆ

RT @sogrady: wondering whether you’ve open sourced your project? this flow chart’s for you.

‘This Moment’ belongs to @Shankar_Live @ZakirHtabla @jmcl_gtr @kanjeeraselva and @violinganesh! Congratulations on the Grammy! #Shakti

RT @pacificleo: In the Telecom VAS circle, there’s a story about @One97 and @vijayshekhar . How they survived a near death experience .

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