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Category: Twitter Page 5 of 68

RT @_Freakyclown_: TIL: that intel i3,i5, i7 and i9 processors are all the same, all made the same, on the same wafer. But depending on howโ€ฆ

from Twitter

It now makes sense – Microsoft cannot legally wall off its OS in the same way Apple does because of an understanding with EC. In 2009, Microsoft agreed it would give makers of security software the same level of access to Windows that Microsoft gets ๐Ÿคฏ

from Twitter

Only highlights how deep crowdstrike is integrated with windows OS, things are not adding up somehow – $83B mrktcap bringing >$T mrktcap to its knees

from Twitter

Have started to realise, the earlier you attain JOMO, the better it is for you ๐Ÿ˜‡

RT @sardesairajdeep: What a remarkable general election have we just seen. State by state competition and a verdict where the winner seemsโ€ฆ

RT @clairevo: Cancelling 1:1s is back in the popular discourse, exactly a year after I cancelled all my 1:1s.โ€”does springtime just make usโ€ฆ


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RT @morganhousel: “Everyone is jealous of what you’ve got, no one is jealous of how you got it.” — Jimmy Carr

RT @sytaylor: Full breakdown of Visa’s new announcements. If this gets adoption it’s a game changer. ๐Ÿ‘‡ ๐Ÿ’ณ Cards ๐Ÿ‘‰ Any device is a POS deviโ€ฆ

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