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How Cloud Native Applications are Transforming Digital Businesses

Cloud native applications (CN apps) are revolutionizing the way digital businesses operate. Gone are the days of having to rely on bulky, outdated software that takes forever to install and update. Now, businesses can take advantage of the power of cloud native applications to quickly and easily access the latest technology. In a nutshell cloud native applications are born on public or private cloud in a packaged (read containerized) manner that makes their development and launch into the real world environment radically different than traditional .net, php, java applications. This means that they can be deployed quickly and easily, and they can scale up or down as needed. Plus, they are often more secure than traditional applications, since they are hosted in the cloud.

They are transforming digital businesses in a variety of ways. For starters, they make it easier to scale up or down depending on the needs of the business. This means businesses can quickly and easily adjust their operations to meet changing customer demands.

Cloud native applications also make it easier to deploy new features and updates. Instead of having to manually install and update software, businesses can now deploy new features and updates with the click of a button with continuous integration and deployment pipelines. This makes it easier to keep up with the latest trends and technologies.

Finally, cloud native applications make it easier to collaborate with other businesses. With cloud native applications, businesses can easily share data and resources with other businesses, allowing them to work together more efficiently. Enter the world of data-lakes and data-warehouses coupled with a Snowflake or Databricks and you can derive critical business insights.

Cloud native applications are transforming digital businesses in a big way. 

Exploring the Benefits of Cloud Native Applications for Digital Transformation

Are you ready to take your digital transformation to the next level? If so, you should consider the benefits of cloud-native applications! Cloud-native applications are designed to take advantage of the cloud’s scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. Plus, they can help you achieve your digital transformation goals faster and more efficiently.

So, what exactly are cloud-native applications? In a nutshell, they are applications that are designed to run on cloud infrastructure. This means that they can be deployed quickly and easily, and they can scale up or down as needed. Plus, they are often more secure than traditional applications, since they are hosted in the cloud.

But the real benefit of cloud-native applications is that they can help you achieve your digital transformation goals faster and more efficiently. For example, they can help you reduce costs, increase agility, and improve customer experience. Plus, they can help you quickly develop and deploy new applications and services.

Digital Transformation Drivers

So, everyone’s talking about digital transformation these days and its almost become a cliche and getting thrown around in conferences, especially with the plateauing of AWS’s and GCP’s of the industry. But here’s the thing, it’s not just about slapping some tech onto your business and calling it a day. Nope, it’s like a team sport – everyone’s gotta be in on it, especially the business and IT folks.

Investors/Promoters of the business are not going to be happy by just digitizing the business, instead it’s the paying users and satisfied customers that are going to make a difference

According to this recent2023 study , both the business bigwigs and the IT wizards agree that they’ve got to work together to make this digital transformation thing a success. It’s like a buddy cop movie where they start off not really getting each other, but they’ve got to learn to understand each other’s worlds to solve the case.

Imagine if the IT guys started talking about APIs, cloud computing, and machine learning to the business folks. They’d probably get blank stares. And if the business folks started talking about market strategies and revenue streams to the IT guys, they’d probably zone out. So, they’ve got to learn each other’s lingo and get on the same page.

About half of the business leaders are like, “Hey IT, we need you to be clear about how you’re helping us transform.” And the IT leaders are like, “Sure, but we need you to tell us about the big picture and where we fit in.” So, it’s all about communication!

And guess what? The companies that are nailing this digital transformation thing are totally crushing it in the market. But the ones that are dragging their feet? Well, they might just find themselves eating the digital dust of their competitors. So, it’s high time for everyone to jump on the digital transformation bandwagon!

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Best Practices for Developing Cloud Native Applications for Digital Transformation

1. Embrace the Cloud: Don’t be afraid to take the plunge and move your applications to the cloud. It’s the only way to ensure your digital transformation is successful.

2. Automate Everything: Automation is key to success in the cloud. Automate as much of your application development and deployment process as possible to ensure your applications are always up-to-date and running smoothly.

3. Monitor and Measure: Monitor your applications and measure their performance to ensure they are running optimally. This will help you identify any potential issues before they become a problem.

4. Security First: Security should always be top of mind when developing cloud-native applications. Make sure you have the right security measures in place to protect your applications and data.

5. Think Scalability: Cloud-native applications should be designed to scale up and down as needed. This will ensure your applications can handle any sudden spikes in traffic or usage.

6. Keep it Simple: Don’t over complicate your applications. Keep them simple and easy to use so users can quickly get up and running.

7. Test, Test, Test: Test your applications thoroughly before deploying them to the cloud. This will help you identify any potential issues before they become a problem.

8. Have Fun: Developing cloud native applications can be a lot of fun. Don’t forget to enjoy the process and have a little fun along the way.

Here is a wonderful interactive landscape of tools/platforms/applications that are integral in creating value while embarking on the digital transformation journey.