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Author: Abhay Page 4 of 70

RT @Jason: ANOTHER BANGER from TRUMP ๐Ÿˆ ๐Ÿถ ๐Ÿคค๐Ÿ˜‚

RT @GroqInc: We are too excited not to share. We continue to find new ways to unlock faster inference speed from the LPU, a 1st gen 14nm chโ€ฆ

X do your magic! Can someone point me to the best ELI5 guide for using @cursor_ai. Do i need paid subs to use composer? Youtube playlist or detailed blogs are welcome Have been using it with claude3-5 for 6mths+. Aim is to build full stack apps using cursor @shl

RT @trending_repos: Trending repository of the day ๐Ÿ“ˆ anything-llm by @mintplexlabs The all-in-one Desktop & Docker AI application withโ€ฆ

If there is one thing you need to read this week, let it be this!

The earlier one accepts this, the better it is for them

RT @JackBlair87: We’re open-sourcing our digital footprint exporter. It automatically exports your data from Notion, ChatGPT, Twitter, etโ€ฆ

RT @danprimack: This chart from Carta is pretty brutal. Over 40% of 2018-vintage VC funds have not made a single distribution. https://t.coโ€ฆ

from Twitter

Rethinking Escalation: A Key to Organizational Success

Effective communication is crucial for success in today’s fast-paced business world. However, one of the most misunderstood aspects of workplace communication is the concept of escalation. Many people view it negatively, associating it with complaining or failure. Nevertheless, when used correctly, escalation can be a powerful tool for progress and problem-solving.

You cant miss this thread! A small indic model, trained on rich indian spoken and written language datasets, while is challenging given the breadth of languages in India but also phenomenal that itโ€™s now open-sourced.

from Twitter

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