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Author: Abhay Page 15 of 68

Launch YC: AiFlow: LLMs for private equity diligence | Y Combinator, as ⁦@chamath⁩ called it the coca-colas are emerging


RT @BesDMarx: they spent 36 billion dollars on this shit. look at my capitalists allocating resources efficiently


Startup Valuations & Liquidity

I listened to 2 podcasts this week that really got me thinking clearly about the economics of an early-stage business and how it is perceived in the eyes of an investor and how it also impacts the founder and employees.

I thought it would be good to lay down the dots first and then try to link them just enough so that when the jig-saw is put together although each piece may not make much sense but together will give a clear picture for an entrepreneur from the shoes of an investor.

Loyalty Programs Are Seeing a Resurgence Thanks to Web3 | HackerNoon


RT @rvenk: Many of us will both want to & need to work till our 70s. So, unless we prepare well for this – learn to be self-employed, -…


RT @julien_c: Let’s make AI OPEN 🤯 Yesterday we’ve announced we @huggingface are partnering with @awscloud Now, here’s my raw CTO take:…


RT @buckymoore: Infrastructure in ‘23. Some thoughts from me on: – Javascript clouds – Workflow systems – The unbundled OLAP architecture…


Excellent summary of where technology is heading for ‘23 although the landscape is evolving very fast!


AWS + ⁦@huggingface⁩ will let companies build custom LLMs and ML models at scale! #OSS is a sure winner in long run bigscience/bloom · Hugging Face




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