In recent times, SaaS solutions built upon Open Source Software (OSS), commonly referred to as Commercial OSS (COSS), have garnered significant attention. This growing trend has made it much easier to develop a comprehensive and scalable web application without resorting to expensive SaaS offerings. Now, all that is required is a team of 3-5 skilled engineers who possess the ability to navigate through extensive code bases. With the aid of tools such as or GitHub Copilot, these engineers can immerse themselves in solving the business or technical challenges at hand, without getting overly fixated on opinionated technology stacks. As someone who tends to get caught up in such stacks, this shift allows me to focus more on the task at hand and avoid unnecessary distractions.

To analyze the steps involved in creating a business using OSS tools, we can adopt the following method. This approach will allow fractional professionals to collaborate with commercial solution leaders in order to provide valuable business outcomes.

1. Create a platform that provides training and resources for engineers to become proficient in traversing large code bases. This could include tutorials, exercises, and interactive tools to help them navigate through complex code.

2. Develop a collaborative tool that allows engineers to work together on solving business or technical problems. This could include features like real-time code sharing, chat functionality, and project management tools.

3. Build a marketplace where businesses can find and hire 3-5 engineers with expertise in specific tech stacks or industries. This would make it easier for companies to assemble a team of engineers who can efficiently work on building full stack web apps.

4. Develop a platform that integrates various SaaS solutions based on OSS, providing businesses with a cost-effective way to leverage the benefits of these tools without the need for expensive subscriptions.

5. Create an online community or forum where engineers can share tips, tricks, and best practices for working with large code bases. This would help reduce the learning curve and improve efficiency for those tackling complex projects.

6. Develop an AI-powered code analysis tool that can automatically identify and suggest improvements for code bases. This would help engineers quickly identify areas for optimization and avoid getting lost in opinionated tech stacks.

7. Offer consulting services or workshops for businesses looking to build full stack web apps without relying on expensive SaaS offerings. This would provide guidance and support for companies wanting to leverage COSS solutions effectively.

8. Develop an open-source project that provides a curated list of recommended tech stacks and tools for building large scale web apps. This would help engineers avoid getting lost in the plethora of options available and focus on efficient solutions.

9. Plug in an add-on platform that connects engineers with mentors who have experience in building full stack web apps without relying on expensive SaaS offerings. This would provide guidance and support for engineers navigating through complex projects.

10. Develop a comprehensive online course or certification program that teaches engineers how to effectively leverage COSS solutions and build full stack web apps. This would provide a structured learning path for those interested in mastering this approach.

Some OSS libraries and apps are shared below and more can be found here

API PlatformHoppscotchAPI development ecosystemPostman
Auth & SSOCerbosGranular access controlOktaAuth0
Auth & SSOKeycloakUser authentication and session management frameworkOktaAuth0
Auth & SSOOPAL ( administration framework (Open Policy)OktaAuth0
Auth & SSOOryIdentity platformOktaAuth0
Auth & SSOOsoAuthorization building frameworkOktaAuth0
Auth & SSOSupertokensUser authentication and session management frameworkOktaAuth0
Backend as a serviceAmplicationBackend server with REST and GraphQL APIs to manage core backend needsFirebase
Backend as a serviceAppwriteBackend server with REST APIs to manage core backend needsFirebase
Backend as a serviceKuzzleBackend server with REST APIs to manage core backend needsFirebase
Backend as a serviceNhostBackend server with GraphQLFirebase
Backend as a serviceSupabaseBackend server with REST APIs to manage core backend needsFirebase
Business IntelligencePresetModern BI platform powered by Apache SupersetPowerBITableauMode Analytics
Business intelligenceMetabaseBusiness intelligence softwareTableauPower BIDataStudio
CMSBuilderDrag and drop page builder and CMSContentful
CMSConcreteCMS for teamsContentful
CMSDirectusData platform which wraps any database with an intuitive appContentful
CMSNetlify CMSGit-based CMS for static site generatorsContentful
CMS/BuilderBuilder.ioThe headless page builder for singe-page frameworksContentful
CMS/BuilderPlasmicThe headless page builder for singe-page frameworksContentful
CMSStrapiNode.js Headless CMS to build customisable APIsContentful
CMSSuluModern Symfony based CMSContentful
CMSTinaVisual editor for React websitesContentful
CMSWebinyEnterprise serverless CMSContentful
Cloud StorageMinioS3 compatible object storageAmazon S3
Cloud StorageStorjDecentralized cloud storageAmazon S3
CommunicationFonosterAPIs for SMS, voice and videoTwilio
Customer Data PlatformJitsuFully-scriptable data ingestion engine for modern data teamsSegment
Customer Data PlatformRudderstackCustomer data platform for developersSegment
Customer EngagementChaskiqLive chat widgetIntercomZendesk
Customer EngagementChatwootLive chat widgetIntercomZendesk
Customer EngagementPapercupsLive chat widgetIntercomZendesk
CybersecurityCloudQueryAssess, audit, and evaluate the configurations of your cloud assets.AWS ConfigGCP Cloud Asset InventoryAWS GuardDuty
CybersecurityCrowdSecCollaborative IPS able to analyze visitor behavior and to provide an adapted response to all kinds of attacks.GreyNoise
CybersecurityFirezoneVPN Server & Firewall for teamsOpenVPN Access Server
CybersecurityGravitlWireGuard virtual networking platform (VPN)TailscaleOpenVPN
CybersecurityNucleiVulnerability scanner based on simple YAML based DSLTenable Nessus
DesignModulzCode-based tool for designing and prototypingFigma
DesignPenpotDesign & prototyping platformFigma
E-commerceMedusaHeadless e-commerce platformShopifyEcwid
E-commerceSaleorHeadless e-commerce platformShopifyEcwid
E-commerceShuupHeadless e-commerce platformShopifyEcwid
E-commerceSyliusHeadless e-commerce platformShopifyEcwid
E-commerceVendureHeadless e-commerce platformShopifyEcwid
E-commerceVue StorefrontFrontend for e-commerce platformShogun
ELT / ETLAirbyteData integration platformFivetran
ELT / ETLDagsterOrchestration platform for data assetsFivetran
ELT / ETLOrchestNo-code data pipelines builderFivetran
ELT / ETLPrefectData orchestration platform for a modern data stackFivetran
Email marketingKeilaEmail newsletter toolMailchimpSendinblue
Enterprise SearchAppBaseSearch UI components for React and VueAlgolia
Enterprise SearchdeepsetNLP platform to build enterprise-grade semantic searchAWS KendraQnA Maker
Enterprise SearchJina.aiNeural search framework for 𝙖𝙣𝙮 kind of data (including images)Algolia
Enterprise SearchMeilisearchTypo tolerant search engineAlgolia
Enterprise SearchQdrantVector similarity search engine with extended filtering supportAlgolia
Enterprise SearchSeMI‘s WeaviateReal-time vector search engineGoogle Vertex AIAlgolia
Enterprise SearchTypeSenseTypo tolerant fuzzy search engineAlgolia
Enterprise SearchZilliz‘s MilvusVector database for AI applicationsGoogle Vertex AI
Enterprise SearchZinc Labs‘s ZincCloud native full text searchElastic Cloud
ERPDoliCloudBusiness management suite (ERP and CRM)Oracle Fusion ERP Cloud,Odoo,Microsoft Dynamics
Feature flag and toggle managementFlagSmithFeature Flag & Remote Config ServiceLaunchDarkly
Feature flag and toggle managementGrowthBookFeature flags and A/B testingLaunchDarkly
Feature flag and toggle managementUnleashFeature flags platformLaunchDarkly
File HostingFilestashA file manager that let you manage your data anywhere it is locatedDropboxGoogle Drive
File HostingNextcloudA personal cloud which runs on your own serverDropboxGoogle Drive
File HostingOwncloudA personal cloud which runs on your own serverDropboxGoogle Drive
Financial ServiceGamestonk TerminalInvestment research for everyoneBloomberg
Forum SoftwareDiscourseA platform for community discussionTribeCircle
Forum SoftwareVanillaA platform for community discussionTribeCircle
Graph databaseArangoDBGraph database and document storeTigerGraphAmazon Neptune
Graph databaseMemgraphIn-memory graph databaseTigerGraphAmazon Neptune
Graph databaseNeo4jGraph database platformTigerGraphAmazon Neptune
Graph databaseTerminusDBKnowledge graph and document storeTigerGraphAmazon Neptune
Helpdesk SolutionPeppermintTicket Management & Helpdesk systemZendesk
Internal ToolsAppSmithLow-code platform for internal toolsRetool
Internal ToolsBudibaseLow-code platform for internal toolsRetool
Internal ToolsLowdefyYAML-based low-code platform for internal toolsRetool
Internal ToolsTooljetLow-code framework for internal toolsRetool
Log ManagementGraylogLog management platformSplunk
ML OpsCortexProduction infrastructure for machine learningAWS SageMaker
ML OpsMindsDBIn-database machine learning platformBigQuery ML
ML OpsPloomberYAML-based pipeline builder for ML modelsAWS SageMaker
ML OpsZilliz‘s TowheePlatform for generating embedding vectorsAWS SageMaker
MessagingElementEnterprise communication platformSlack
MessagingMattermostEnterprise communication platform for developersSlack
MessagingRocket.chatEnterprise communication platformSlack
MessagingZulipTeam chatSlack
Metrics storeCube.jsHeadless business intelligence suiteLooker
Metrics storeLightDashLow-code metrics layer, alternative to LookerLooker
Metrics storeMLCraftLow-code metrics layer, alternative to LookerLooker
Metrics storeMetriQLHeadless business intelligence suiteLooker
No-code databaseBaserowNo-code database and Airtable alternativeAirTable
No-code databaseNocoDBNo-code database and Airtable alternativeAirTable
No-code databaseRowyExtendable Airtable-like spreadsheet UI for databasesAirTable
NotetakingAppFlowyOpen-source alternative to NotionNotion
NotetakingAthens ResearchKnowledge graph for research and notetakingRoam Research
NotetakingBangle.ioA rich note note taking web app that works on top of your locally saved Markdown filesNotion
NotetakingBoost NoteCollaborative workspace for developer teamsNotion
NotetakingDendronKnowledge base plugin for VS CodeRoam Research
NotetakingJoplinSecure, Cross-platform, Open-Source Markdown Note Taking AppEvernoteOnenoteRoam Research
NotetakingLogseqKnowledge base managerRoam Research
NotetakingNotabasePowerful and easy-to-use note-taking app for networked thinkingNotionRoam Research
NotetakingOutlineWiki and knowledge baseNotion
NotetakingTrilium.ccPersonal knowledge baseEvernoteOnenote
Observability and monitoringGrafanaObservability and data visualization platformDataDogNewRelic
Observability and monitoringSentryApplication monitoring with a focus on error reportingDataDogNewRelic
Observability and monitoringSignozApplication monitoring and observability platformDataDogNewRelic
Observability and monitoringVictoriaMetricsApplication monitoring and observability platformDataDogNewRelic
Observability and monitoringNetdataApplication monitoring and observability platformDataDogNewRelic
Password managerBitWardenPassword manager for teams and individuals1Password
Password managerPadlocPassword manager for teams and individuals1Password
Password managerPassboltPassword manager for teams and individuals1Password
Platform as a serviceCoolifySelf-hostable Heroku alternativeHeroku
Platform as a servicePorterKubernetes powered PaaS that runs in your own cloudHeroku
Platform as a serviceQoveryKubernetes powered PaaS that runs in your own cloudHeroku
Platform as a serviceSpace CloudServerless cloud deployment platformHeroku
Product AnalyticsPostHogProduct analytics platformAmplitudeMixPanel
Project ManagementFocalboardAlternative to Trello, Notion, and AsanaTrelloNotionAsana
Project ManagementOpenProjectProject management softwareAsanaTrello
Project ManagementTaigaProject management softwareAsanaTrelloJira
Relational databasePingCAPNewSQL database that supports HTAP workloadsAmazon AuroraGoogle Cloud Spanner
Reverse ETLCastledData synchronization framework focused on external appsHightouchNewRelic
Reverse ETLGrouparooData synchronization frameworkHightouch
Robotic Process Automation (RPA)RoboCorpSet of tooling that allows to create automation packagesUiPath
SchedulingCalendsoScheduling infrastructure, alternative to CalendlyCalendly
Session replay softwareOpenReplaySession replay stack for developersLogRocketFullStory
StreamingGlimeshLive streaming platformTwitch
Timeseries databaseInfluxDBDatabase designed to process time series dataKdb+
Timeseries databaseQuestDBDatabase designed to process time series dataKdb+
Timeseries databaseTimescaleDBDatabase designed to process time series dataKdb+
Timeseries databaseTDengineDatabase designed to process time series dataKdb+
Video ConferencingJitsiVideo conferences platform and SDKZoom
Video ConferencingLiveKitSFU and SDKs for high-performance, scalable WebRTCTwilioAgora
Video ConferencingOpenViduPlatform and SDKs to build on-premises WebRTC video conferencesTwilio
Website analyticsGoatCounterGoogle Analytics alternativeGoogle Analytics
Website analyticsMatomoGoogle Analytics alternativeGoogle Analytics
Website analyticsPlausibleGoogle Analytics alternativeGoogle Analytics
Website analyticsUmamiGoogle Analytics alternativeGoogle Analytics
Workflow automationN8NNode-based workflow automation tool for developersZapier
Workflow automationPipedreamWorkflow automation and API integration platformZapierIntegromat
Workflow automationTemporalWorkflows as code platformZapier